I have observed that the most used and least understood thing in our lives is money.

I didn’t arrive at this conclusion directly. I started by trying to study economics in order to better communicate my beliefs about political issues.

As I learned more, I began to see that economics touched every aspect of our lives and that money was the common thread that most people thought about when dealing with economic issues.

I also came to understand that economic issues are frequently made more complex and obscure than they really are.  This suggests to me that there are people among us who benefit from that complexity and those who are harmed by their lack of understanding.

This leads me to believe that a sound understanding of money and economic issues can empower people to make better decisions and thus lead happier and more satisfying lives.

I discovered that most issues are really quite simple and that understanding them in the context of our own experience can yield a far superior understanding than even a college course in economics.

Thus, the goals of MY MONEY PROFESSOR are to provide a true understanding of a vast array of economic issues so that people can make better and more effective choices.

This is not a political site.  However, economics is a significant part of the role that Government plays in our lives.  Thus, it is inevitable that a true understanding of money and economics must deal with issues that are a part of the political discussion.

MY MONEY PROFESSOR will always try to keep separate the educational aspects of this site and my political opinions.  When opinions are discussed they will be categorized as such.

The primary emphasis of this site is education.  I hope that it will become a beneficial resource for those who choose to use it.

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