As we approach the President’s decision on the Paris Climate Accord it might do us all well to reflect upon history.

From April 12, 1633 until June 22, 1633, the church under the guidance of Pope Urban VIII sponsored a trial for a man named Galileo.

Galileo was a scientist who studied among other things, the science of Astronomy. Galileo, as a result of his research, had published a document claiming that the earth revolved around the sun. For this he was convicted of heresy and spent the remainder of his life under house arrest.

For those of us who know the earth does, in fact, revolve around the sun, this may seem like an incredulous event. However, the situation has stunning parallels to the place we find ourselves in with respect to Global Warming and Climate Change.

First, let’s make a few observations about the history. The church saw itself as the seat of power over the civilized world. The church proclaimed the belief that the earth was the center of the universe. Given these two “facts”, there could be no power greater than the church other than God. It has been said that the man who controls the gates to heaven controls all of mankind. Galileo’s publication was a direct challenge to the power of the Church.

We know that Galileo’s position, the true scientific result, has stood the test of time. But, the truth did not stand in the way of branding Galileo a heretic, a traitor to God, and remanding him to a life sentence of house arrest.

Today, we have a Government that wants us to believe that Global Warming is real, and that Climate Change is the fault of man. They have used this proclamation to force many policies about energy and the environment on, not just the American public, but people around the world. They have raised taxes, taken property from the rightful owners, refused other landowners the right to use their own property, halted development using environmental regulations and forced some energy companies out of business consigning their workers to a life of poverty.

Just as the Church profited from their proclamation that the earth was the center of the universe; modern day politicians profit greatly from the mythology of Global Warming.
Just as the Church branded Galileo a heretic, modern day politicians have branded non-believers as “Climate Change deniers.” There have even been occasions when political figures have called for prosecution of “Climate Change deniers” as enemies of the environment.

The believers of climate change indoctrinate our youth much as a church would do. Public figures like Al Gore go to elementary schools and tell our children “you will be smarter than your parents”, global warming will save the earth. These people, who indoctrinate our youth, profit greatly from the global warming mythology. If they believe it, they don’t behave as if they do. They tell us sea levels will rise dramatically and then purchase large properties with ocean front acreage. They tell us carbon emissions are the main culprit and then fly around in private jets, shunning public transport. A few own the equivalent of a small air force. If we dare to challenge the hypocrisy or offer data refuting the “approved” conclusion, we are labeled deniers, accused of using alternate facts and generally looked down upon. They tell us the science is settled and there is nothing to be gained by challenging it.

And thus we have stumbled across the element of truth that calls into question all of what we are being told.

True scientific results stand upon their own merit, just as Galileo’s finding has stood the test of time and all further inquiry. These results speak for themselves and do not need to be supported and protected by threats and accusations.

True scientists know this. They also know that man’s knowledge of our surroundings is always growing. No true scientist would ever utter the words “the science is settled.”

Protecting the environment is a noble enterprise. When we see the political elite using junk science to enrich themselves so they can play “life styles of the rich and famous”, we have to question their motives and policies.

If our leaders would demand real science for the basis of their policy choices, they would be able to differentiate between the real technologies and policies that work and those which serve only to enrich the politically elite.

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