I served aboard a nuclear submarine during the cold war. There were long separations from family with no outgoing communication. The days were long. Sixteen hour days were common. It could be boring or exciting. We used to describe it as days of boredom surrounding by minutes of sheer terror. I remember thinking it was ironic that we who served had to give up many of the freedoms we were protecting.
When I look back at the experiences in context of the world today, I realize my sacrifice was minor. Yes, I sacrificed a little, but I did not do it in 120 degree heat with a hundred pound pack on my back and with people shooting at me.
And now I think of those who paid the ultimate price and the loss their families and loved ones continue to suffer every day.
I think we all have to ask ourselves this question.
If we do not stand up to those in Congress who swore to protect and defend our Constitution and seek to undermine it at every opportunity;
If we do not stand up to the university professors who teach our children to hate America and literally refuse to allow an independent thought;
If we do not stand up to the outbreaks of campus violence that threaten free speech;
And if we do not stand up to the liberals who preach diversity but cannot tolerate an idea that differs from their own,
Then for what did those brave young men and women give their lives?

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