The subject of Economics, as it is traditionally taught, is horribly boring!  It is filled with statistics and charts and an overwhelming number of theories which frequently seem contradictory.  Most people come away from their first encounter at least slightly confused and often lacking any interest to learn more.  Economics seems like something foreign to our experience.

Yet Economics touches every part of our lives.  Understanding the value and nature of money will allow us to control it and use it as an effective tool to help us lead very successful lives.

Failing to understand it can lead to disaster and turn us into slaves.

The good news is that it isn’t nearly as difficult to understand as many people would have you believe.  Even better, it doesn’t have to be so obscure and boring.  There is a lot of interesting and entertaining history in economics that can teach us very valuable lessons.

The basic concepts of economics can be understood in the context of our normal lives and doesn’t have to be complex or obscure.

Please look around the site and click on the various menu items to get a sense of the range of topics we are going to cover.  There isn’t much info there yet, but we will fill it in as you learn more.

See you in class!

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